[Abcde-users] Submitting data to CDDB/FreeDB

Gabriel Rosenkoetter gr at eclipsed.net
Wed Apr 17 17:46:50 BST 2019

On 2019-04-15 06:14 EDT, Christian Weiske wrote:
> How can I submit the CD data to freedb.org?

Well… manually? :^>

(Yes, I know that's a lousy answer.)

It's been a while since I looked closely at abcde (although I was
recently reminded that I'm the maintainer of the port for MacPorts and
had missed a couple of bug reports… oops), but does it even claim to
support this?

Honestly, I've only ever used freedb/musicbrainz to get information.

I see at http://www.freedb.org/en/faq.3.html#21 that they support
submissions "via http or via e-mail", and that abcde isn't in
although some open source stuff is.

I didn't, immediately, see an API reference on freedb.org. Am I just
missing it?

This "should" be pretty easy to incorporate by shelling out to, eg,
curl(1), unless there's something hokier than "HTTP PUT" involved, which
seems unlikely. (I feel like I once *years* ago looked at an API doc for
freedb or cddb, but that would've been long before MAGIX bought them.)

> In 2017 there was discussion about sending data to musicbrainz[1], but
> there was no real solution.
> [1]
> https://lists.einval.com/pipermail/abcde-users/2017-September/000244.html

Anybody know if the patch at the end of that thread ever got merged in?
Seems pretty reasonable to me, although I just skimmed it.

Gabriel Rosenkoetter
gr at eclipsed.net

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