[Abcde-users] Specify artist and album on the command line? {External}

Alan W. Kerr awkerr at nrao.edu
Sat Mar 8 19:54:18 GMT 2025

"Is this possible?"

short answer:

longer answer:
I've looked at the source code and tried a couple of tests...  I see no 
way to do this nor an easy way to add this.  The "template" **IS** the 
way to do this.

a more useful answer:
abcde is not designed for your "edge case" use.  What you want to do is 
much closer to ripping an audiobook, podcast series, etc.  There are 
other programs that are designed to do what you want (ripping a 
series/collection) but I have no specific suggestions for you. 
Otherwise, "repeated use of the template method" is your only choice 
when using abcde.

Alan W. Kerr          awkerr at nrao.edu          Whee!(tm)

On 3/8/25 10:03, Bodnar, Jason wrote:
> I'm ripping some CDs for a friend. They belonged to his dad. They're 
> recordings of a radio show so they're not in Musicbrainz or CDDB. They 
> all more or less have the same artist and album format so I'd like to be 
> able to specify those on the command line instead of having to edit the 
> CDDB template. Is this possible?
> -- 
> Jason Bodnar
> jason at shakabuku.org <mailto:jason at shakabuku.org>
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