[Macchiato] SD problems

Marcin Wojtas mw at semihalf.com
Fri Jun 16 09:46:23 BST 2017


2017-06-16 10:35 GMT+02:00 Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel at linaro.org>:
> On 16 June 2017 at 10:28, Marcin Wojtas <mw at semihalf.com> wrote:
>> Steve,
>> 2017-06-15 18:07 GMT+02:00 Steve McIntyre <steve at einval.com>:
>>> On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 02:35:31AM +0200, Marcin Wojtas wrote:
>>>>2017-06-15 1:50 GMT+02:00 Steve McIntyre <steve at einval.com>:
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 08:09:49PM +0200, Marcin Wojtas wrote:
>>>>> >Hi Steve,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >I tried two different SD cards, both worked, so maybe I was lucky. Anyway, are
>>>>> >you sure, you have MBR partition table + the first (boot) partition starts at
>>>>> >4096?
>>>>> Ummm. Sure about 4096? I've been using dd to write images, offset by
>>>>> just one 512-byte sector.
>>>>Yes, I'm sure of that. From what I know, the bootrom recognizes
>>>>partition table, and expect first one (with the image burnt) to be
>>>>@4096. Anyway, I'm happy it's working now.
>>> OK, fair enough. I was just following the instructions at
>>>   https://wiki.solid-run.com/doku.php?id=products:a8040:software:development:u-boot_atf
>>> and using
>>>   dd if=flash-image.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=512 seek=1
>>> If there's meant to be a partition table in sector 0 that points to a
>>> partition at offset 4096, this is the first I've heard of it - thanks
>>> for clarifying!
>> I got to know about 4096 first partition's offset at:
>> http://wiki.macchiatobin.net/tiki-index.php
>> Actually until Wednesday I wasn't aware, that SolidRun maintained
>> their own wiki.
> Hi,
> The boot ROM simply probes a number of offsets, and I never put the
> image anywhere except at the start of the second sector, which works
> reliably when I use either of the two working uSD cards I have. So I
> would be very surprised if putting the image elsewhere would solve
> Steve's problem.

I didn't come up this on my own, just followed:
I would be also surprised that it helped for the cards in question,
however it's not time consuming to give it a try and follow the howto.
In my case, at the first attempt I didn't use the 4096 offset and the
bootrom couldn't handle it. With the same card and setting everything
as on the wiki site, it just started working.


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