[Macchiato] SD problems
Marcin Wojtas
mw at semihalf.com
Fri Jun 16 10:52:12 BST 2017
2017-06-16 10:56 GMT+02:00 Steve McIntyre <steve at einval.com>:
> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 10:46:23AM +0200, Marcin Wojtas wrote:
>>>> I got to know about 4096 first partition's offset at:
>>>> http://wiki.macchiatobin.net/tiki-index.php
>>>> Actually until Wednesday I wasn't aware, that SolidRun maintained
>>>> their own wiki.
>>> The boot ROM simply probes a number of offsets, and I never put the
>>> image anywhere except at the start of the second sector, which works
>>> reliably when I use either of the two working uSD cards I have. So I
>>> would be very surprised if putting the image elsewhere would solve
>>> Steve's problem.
>>I didn't come up this on my own, just followed:
>>I would be also surprised that it helped for the cards in question,
>>however it's not time consuming to give it a try and follow the howto.
>>In my case, at the first attempt I didn't use the 4096 offset and the
>>bootrom couldn't handle it. With the same card and setting everything
>>as on the wiki site, it just started working.
> Right. I've tried a few more different SD cards, again with no
> success. Marcin, *exactly* what layout are you using please? I've
> tried now:
> 1. Already-formatted SD card, with partition table in sector 0
> pointing to partition 1 further up the storage (sector 2048 is a
> common start point). Start writing the flash image at sector 1,
> using dd if=... of=... bs=512 skip=1
> 2. Create a new DOS partition table, with partition 1 at sector 8
> (i.e. byte offset 4096). Start writing the flash image at sector 1,
> using dd if=... of=... bs=512 skip=1
> Sorry to be pedantic, but I've not seen any difference in behaviour at
> all here and I'd like to recreate exactly what you've been doing to
> rule out any silly mistakes.
I've just took some random 8GB SanDisk uSD and prepared the image. I
created with fdisk new DOS partition table, with 2 partitions:
/dev/mmcblk0p1 32MB at 4096
/dev/mmcblk0p2 at 4096 + 32M + 1
dd if=flash-image-a80x0_mcbin.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0p1 conv=fdatasync
My log:
Afterwards I changed boot selector to SD on SW1 and SW2 and plugged the card:
I hope this helps. Do you see any deviation from what you've been doing?
Best regards,
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